Saturday, June 7, 2008


I am really loving these characters that come into my work.

This painting is especially joyful for me! My Artist Child is relaxed and happy here. Her future is bright, her past behind her. They both bid "Adieu" to harsh lands never to return. Her flower treasure though, of the present moment, is what interests her most. Could it be she can forget?


Anonymous said...

What an amazing picture! The colors are like candy. It is so hopeful and upbeat. Thanks for sharing it.

PINXfanadict said...

You are an absolutely awe-inspiring person.
Through your art, words of wisdom, and your selfless dedication to the pure magic that surrounds you and is MOST evident in all you share with the world - you have given hope to thousands - and hundreds of thousands. Your work has NOT gone out in vain. I am in contact with hundreds on a weekly basis that truly wish you all the best the world and life has available. The lives you've impacted is nothing short of miraculous.
Myself, I am surrounded, all day - everyday; by your art and the magic you've instilled in it: one of the pieces you've signed (in pencil)and dated '77
I truly hope you will continue to allow the world to grow, and hope, and dream - along with your continued "work"
If ever in need - your faithful people (scattered throughout the U.S. and abroad) are ever willing to assist. I KNOW this.